Cornhole League
2024 Summer Cornhole League
Online Registration | Standings & Schedule | Playoff Bracket

2024 Champions: 4 Sacks 1 Hole
- Games are at Vail's Athletic Field on Thursdays.
- No refunds will be granted after the start of league play.
- The Vail Recreation District (“VRD”), at its sole discretion, reserves the right to expel any individual or team for malicious or unsportsmanlike conduct, failure to observe rules, regulations and procedures. Fighting, taunting or offensive language of any kind will not be tolerated.
Doubles Play
Team A competes against Team B; each team is comprised of two people.
- Each team will stay in their designated lane for the whole game.
- Players at the headboard will alternate pitching bags until each player has pitched all four of his/her bags.
- Players at the footboard will take score and resume pitching back to the other board.
- The top of an inning is completed when both players pitching from the headboard pitch all four bags; the bottom of the inning is completed when the remaining players pitching from the footboard pitch all four bags
- VALUE OF THE BAG: The approved method of scoring for the sport of cornhole is “cancellation” scoring. In cancellation scoring, the points of one player cancel out the points of their opponent. Using this method, only one player/team can score in each inning.
- Bag In-The-Count (Woody): Any bag which comes to rest anywhere on top of the board. Each is worth one (1) point.
- Bag In-The-Hole (Cornhole): Any bag which is thrown through the hole or knocked through the hole by another bag. Each is worth three (3) points.
- Foul Bags: Refers to any bag that has not been determined as Bag In-The-Count or Bag In-The-Hole or was designated a foul bag as the result of rules violation.
- COURT LAYOUT DIMENSIONS: A cornhole court shall be a level rectangular area 8-10 feet wide and a minimum of 40-45 feet long. The court should consist of two cornhole boards, designated pitcher’s boxes, and foul lines.
- PITCHER’S BOX: The pitcher’s box is the rectangle 4 feet by 3 feet at each end of the court, parallel with, and on both sides of the boards. Each player must remain in the pitcher’s box while pitching a cornhole bag.
- FOUL LINES: There are two sets of foul lines: (1) open adult-play and (2) junior-play (12 and under). The open adult-play foul lines shall be defined as an imaginary line 27 feet between the front of each board. The junior-play foul lines shall be defined as an imaginary line 12-15 feet between the front of each board. With regard to sets that meet ACA specifications, the foul line will be parallel to the front of the board.
- Dates: Mid-June to mid-August
- Days/Time: Thursday, 6 p.m.
- Location: Vail Athletic Field, next to sand volleyball courts
- Team cost: $105 or $80 for Vail Recreation District taxpayers
- 2v2 league (ages 21+)
For more information contact Wyatt Smith at and Teresa Sponsel

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