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2020 Camp Hale Hup Results - Adults

A cartoon yeti over bicycle gears with text "MOUNTAIN BIKE YOUTH TOWN SERIES" and "Yeti's Grind."

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Results for the Men's Beginner
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  693 Theo Krueger         Pedal Power                    MBG   50:53   100
   2.  644 Kevin Christian      East West Hospitality/Athletic MBG   55:19    85
   3. 7527 Freedom Bennett                                     MBG 1:00:23    80
   4. 7526 Garrett Lodewyck                                    MBG 1:03:16    75
Results for the Women's Beginner
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7539 Vonda Thomas         Elevated Dental                WBG 1:06:45   100
   2.  253 Daniela Sandoval     The Cycle Effect               WBG 1:09:18    85
Results for the Men's Grandmaster 50+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  658 Stephen Elzinga      Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MGM   47:20   100
   2.  721 Craig Chester        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MGM   50:41    85
   3. 7432 Karl Edgerton                                       MGM   51:05    80
   4. 7451 Steven Flashner                                     MGM   52:53    75
   5. 7500 Brad Stamp           Law Enforcement                MGM   53:17    70
   6.  635 T Walters                                           MGM   54:34    65
   7. 7452 Mark Hallenbeck                                     MGM   58:10    60
Results for the Men's Super Grandmaster 60+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7501 Robert Stanley       Natural Grocers Cycling Team   MSM   46:57   100
   2.  704 Peter Clarke         Mtn Pedaler/ Bonfire Brewing   MSM 1:03:07    85
   3.  695 Philippe Courtois    Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MSM 2:15:09    80
Results for the Women's Vet Sport 30+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  664 Stephanie Lewis      Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing WVS   52:29   100
   2.  681 Molly Gamble         The Cycle Effect               WVS   53:25    85
   3.  655 Ashley Dentler       Howard Head Sports Medicine    WVS 1:00:42    80
Results for the Women's Masters Sport 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7457 Colleen Gaspard                                     WMS   55:06   100
Results for the Men's Vet Sport 30+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  648 Miles Henson         Howard Head Sports Medicine    MVS   46:52   100
   2.  696 Miles Gentry         Vail Jr Cycling                MVS   47:01    85
   3.  645 Michael Morgan       Elevated Dental                MVS   47:05    80
   4.  668 Paul Datsko          Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MVS   47:18    75
   5. 7441 Ben Conners                                         MVS   56:12    70
Results for the Men's Masters Sport 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  649 Adam Kowalski        Howard Head Sports Medicine    MMS   47:41   100
   2.  660 Mike Earl            Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MMS   49:25    85
   3.  636 Matt Marshall                                       MMS   55:03    80
   4. 7541 Neal Cusick                                         MMS 1:06:54    75
Results for the Men's Sport
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7496 Nicholas Konecny     Rouleur Devo/Dna Cycling       MSP   43:42   100
   2.  711 Reiner Schmidt       Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   43:53    85
   3. 7537 Vlad Shambarger      Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   46:13    80
   4. 7450 Cole Flashner        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   46:14    75
   5.  642 Ben Suttor           Vail Jr Cycling                MSP   46:15    70
   6.  699 Porter Middaugh      Pedal Power                    MSP   46:30    65
   7.  641 Matas Katieb         Vail Jr Cycling                MSP   48:48    60
   8. 7464 Jake Linscott        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP 1:02:39    55
Results for the Women's Sport
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7483 Jorja Bond           Boulder Junior Cycling         WSP   51:50   100
   2.  258 Karen Sandoval       The Cycle Effect               WSP   53:13    85
   3. 7530 Heidi Kloser         Out There                      WSP   54:05    80
   4. 7444 Elise Harless        Boulder Junior Cycling         WSP   54:21    75
   5. 7445 Violet Rainwater     Boulder Junior Cycling         WSP   54:52    70
   6. 7461 Raven Powers         Boulder Junior Cycling         WSP   55:18    65
   7.  720 Eva Skiba            The Cycle Effect               WSP   58:11    60
   8.  264 Reece May            The Cycle Effect               WSP   58:27    55
   9.  266 Stella Sanders       The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:02:04    50
  10.  251 Iara Melgarejo       The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:02:27    45
  11.  685 Chelsea Dentler      Howard Head Sports Medicine    WSP 1:05:08    40
  12.  643 Shannatay Bergeron                                  WSP 1:08:51    35
Results for the Men's Single Speed
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7540 Ciro Zarate          Pedal Power                    MSS 1:24:57   100
   2.  659 Mark Nesline         Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MSS 1:26:10    85
   3. 7531 Richard Knapp        Mountain Pedaler               MSS 1:31:15    80
Results for the Men's Clydesdale
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  629 Kevan Dee            Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing CLY   49:49   100
   2.  732 Mitchell Plath       Elevated Dental                CLY   53:52    85
Results for the Men's Expert
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  691 Landen Stovall       Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 1:19:27   100
   2.  700 Sullivan Middaugh    Pedal Power                    MEX 1:19:53    85
   3.  690 Garret Moehring      Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 1:20:05    80
   4. 7529 Michael Hand                                        MEX 1:20:06    75
   5. 7431 Ethan Wobus          Bjc                            MEX 1:21:45    70
   6. 7494 James Kirschner      Bike Valet                     MEX 1:22:08    65
   7. 7429 Ethan Fitzcharles                                   MEX 1:26:23    60
   8.  663 Ethan Elzinga        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MEX 1:27:35    55
   9.  694 Cole Weathes         Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 1:30:03    50
  10. 7428 Adam Fitzcharles                                    MEX 1:33:05    45
  11. 7448 Leif Bryan           Boulder Junior Cycling         MEX 1:33:11    40
Results for the Women's Expert
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7484 Keira Bond           Boulder Junior Cycling         WEX   51:29   100
   2.  679 Zosia Skiba          The Cycle Effect               WEX   53:13    85
   3.  661 Jennie Thorne        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing WEX   55:50    80
Results for the Men's Vet Expert 30+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  662 Michael Sherven      Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MVE 1:20:08   100
   2.  708 Marshall Troutner    Mtn Pedaler/Bonfire Brewing    MVE 1:21:04    85
   3.  706 Nick Brummer                                        MVE 1:27:17    80
   4.  684 Kyle Wilcox          Howard Head Sports Medicine    MVE 1:27:59    75
   5.  653 Ryan Simmons         Howard Head Sports Medicine    MVE 1:31:11    70
Results for the Men's Masters Expert 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  709 Erik Dorf            Vail Summit Orthopaedics       MME 1:18:15   100
   2. 7498 Jason Reynolds       Redspoke Racing                MME 1:19:33    85
   3. 7433 Brandon Dyksterhouse Great Divide                   MME 1:19:46    80
   4. 7528 Samuel Bennett                                      MME 1:20:59    75
   5. 7446 Matthew Klick        Dumont Racing Project          MME 1:23:39    70
   6.  628 Kevin Roop           Sonnenalp Fitness/Roopski Trai MME 1:23:55    65
   7. 7456 Braden Van Matre     Boxwell                        MME 1:26:53    60
   8. 7534 Battista Psenda                                     MME 1:30:30    55
   9.  719 Mike Glass           The Cycle Effect               MME 1:31:56    50
  10.  677 Brett Donelson       The Cycle Effect               MME 1:33:05    45
Results for the Women's Masters Expert 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  671 Pavan Krueger        Pedal Power                    WME   51:42   100
   2. 7538 Traci Telander                                      WME   53:03    85
   3.  657 Kerry White          Howard Head Sports Medicine    WME   59:52    80
Results for the Men's Grandmaster Expert 50+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  673 Peter Davis          Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MGE 1:19:24   100
   2.  633 Robert Moehring      Vail Junior Cycling            MGE 1:20:29    85
   3.  630 Mark Roebke                                         MGE 1:23:33    80
   4. 7533 Kevin Minard                                        MGE 1:26:15    75
   5.  626 Charles Brown        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MGE 1:39:48    70
   6.  634 Michael Moher                                       MGE 1:47:28    65
   7. 7497 Dan Millerbrown      Partners Environmental         MGE 1:47:44    60
Results for the Men's Pro Elite
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  698 Josiah Middaugh      Pedal Power                    MPE 1:10:22   100
   2. 7535 Bjorn Riley          Bear National Team             MPE 1:10:52    85
   3. 7495 Lasse Konecny        Rouleur Devo/Dna Cycling       MPE 1:11:32    80
   4. 7465 Christopher Baddick                                 MPE 1:12:40    75
   5. 7492 Tyler Jones          Kind Bikes And Skis            MPE 1:14:39    70
   6. 7485 Oliver Boyd          Boulder Junior Cycling         MPE 1:14:39    65
   7.  627 Sam Brown            Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MPE 1:15:44    60
   8. 7463 Vaughn Veenendaal    Boulder Junior Cycling         MPE 1:17:11    55
   9.  637 Aidan Duffy          Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MPE 1:17:25    50
  10. 7499 Jack Seidler                                        MPE 1:18:08    45
  11.  701 David Sanders        Mtn Pedaler/ Bonfire Brewing   MPE 1:18:52    40
  12. 7435 Benon Gattis                                        MPE 1:19:12    35
  13. 7436 Evan Gattis                                         MPE 1:21:02    30
  14. 7438 Zach McCarthy                                       MPE 1:23:34    25
  15. 7437 Chad Kittles         Bikeparts.Com                  MPE 1:24:46    20
Results for the Women's Pro Elite
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7455 Michaela Thompson    Boulder Junior Cycling         WPE 1:21:42   100
   2. 7449 Abigael Carron       Boulder Junior Cycling         WPE 1:21:43    85
   3. 7443 Natalie Quinn        Bjc                            WPE 1:24:12    80
   4. 7488 Chloe Fraser         Bjc                            WPE 1:28:13    75
   5. 7453 Bayli McSpadden      Pedal Power                    WPE 1:32:13    70
   6.  707 Isabella Sargent     Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing WPE 1:42:18    65