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2020 Beaver Creek Blast Results - Pro, Expert & Sport

A logo with a mountain and gear silhouette reading "Mountain Bike Town Series," sponsored by EastWest Hospitality.


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Results for the Men's Grandmaster 50+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 6631 Michael Mote         Avout Racing                   MGM 1:20:46   100
   2.  717 Sean Obrien          Howard Head                    MGM 1:21:00    85
   3.  635 T Walters                                           MGM 1:23:16    80
   4. 7555 Jorge Gonzalez                                      MGM 1:59:24    75
Results for the Men's Super Grandmaster 60+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 6628 Robert Stanley       Natural Grocers Cycling Team   MSM 1:12:32   100
   2. 7518 Jeff Rhodes          Modern Market Gr Capitol       MSM 1:13:34    85
   3.  722 Paul Gotthelf        Pedal Power                    MSM 1:20:34    80
   4.  695 Philippe Courtois    Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MSM 1:25:21    75
   5.  704 Peter Clarke         Mtn Pedaler/ Bonfire Brewing   MSM 1:32:10    70
Results for the Women's Vet Sport 30+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  681 Molly Gamble         The Cycle Effect               WVS 1:20:34   100
   2.  664 Stephanie Lewis      Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing WVS 1:22:07    85
Results for the Women's Masters Sport 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  666 Nancy Mires          Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing WMS 1:31:25   100
   2. 7552 Colleen Gaspard                                     WMS 1:51:10    85
Results for the Men's Vet Sport 30+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  648 Miles Henson         Howard Head Sports Medicine    MVS 1:11:23   100
   2.  668 Paul Datsko          Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MVS 1:11:37    85
   3. 6634 Matt Brownson        Vail Health                    MVS 1:20:48    80
*Thank you Dr. Brownson for stopping to help an injured rider and thank you Paul and Miles for letting us know. Great sportsmanship all around!
Results for the Men's Masters Sport 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  649 Adam Kowalski        Howard Head Sports Medicine    MMS 1:12:10   100
   2.  660 Mike Earl            Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MMS 1:16:43    85
   3.  674 Hans Lutgring        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MMS 1:18:04    80
   4.  672 Randy Tuggle         Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MMS 1:18:38    75
   5. 6618 Peter Kan                                           MMS 1:19:05    70
   6. 6622 Paxton McVoy                                        MMS 1:23:16    65
   7.  636 Matt Marshall                                       MMS 1:26:38    60
   8.    1 Chris Ponder                                        MMS 1:34:10    55
   9. 6623 Chad Milam                                          MMS 1:36:26    50
Results for the Men's Sport
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7562 Beckett McVoy        Bjc                            MSP 1:05:30   100
   2. 6608 Vlad Shambarger      Vail Junior Cycling            MSP 1:05:31    85
   3. 7551 Cole Flashner        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP 1:07:38    80
   4. 7558 Deron Lawrence       Build                          MSP 1:10:22    75
   5. 7525 Matthew Cairns       Pedal Power                    MSP 1:16:15    70
   6. 6610 Ryan Collopy                                        MSP 1:18:42    65
   7. 7524 Ben Cairns           Cylces Of Life                 MSP 1:20:17    60
   8. 7512 Jake Linscott        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP 1:34:53    55
   9.  650 Jake Mogerman        Howard Head Sports Medicine    MSP 1:47:29    50
Results for the Women's Sport
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  675 Chloe Lutgring       Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing WSP 1:18:50   100
   2.  258 Karen Sandoval       The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:19:17    85
   3. 6609 Jorja Bond           Boulder Junior Cycling         WSP 1:22:33    80
   4. 6633 Heidi Kloser         Out There                      WSP 1:25:28    75
   5.  720 Eva Skiba            The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:26:51    70
   6.  689 Isabel Glackin       Vail Junior Cycling            WSP 1:29:11    65
   7. 7570 Violet Rainwater     Boulder Junior Cycling         WSP 1:31:16    60
   8. 6606 Raven Powers         Boulder Junior Cycling         WSP 1:31:26    55
   9.  643 Shannatay Bergeron                                  WSP 1:35:06    50
  10.  713 Lilo Andrade         The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:36:32    45
  11.  266 Stella Sanders       The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:37:21    40
  12.  251 Iara Melgarejo       The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:40:24    35
  13.  256 Anamaria Montes      The Cycle Effect               WSP 1:44:08    30
  14.  685 Chelsea Dentler      Howard Head Sports Medicine    WSP 2:03:06    25
Results for the Men's Single Speed
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 6605 Richard Knapp        Mountain Pedaler               MSS 1:18:15   100
   2. 6629 Ciro Zarate          Pedal Power                    MSS 1:20:19    85
   3.  659 Mark Nesline         Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MSS 1:23:56    80
   4.  670 Marty Golembiewski   Pedal Power                    MSS 1:28:38    75
   5. 6613 James Ellis          Pedal Power                    MSS 1:37:04    70
Results for the Women's Single Speed
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
Results for the Men's Clydesdale
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  629 Kevan Dee            Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing CLY 1:22:40   100
   2.  732 Mitchell Plath       Elevated Dental                CLY 1:25:57    85
Results for the Men's Expert
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7549 Ethan Fitzcharles                                   MEX 1:14:29   100
   2. 6632 Adam Mote            Avout Racing                   MEX 1:16:33    85
   3.  683 Kris Ochs            Howard Head Sports Medicine    MEX 1:16:49    80
   4. 6615 Michael Hand         Moontime Cyclery               MEX 1:19:50    75
   5.  694 Cole Weathes         Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 1:20:40    70
   6.  752 Geoffrey Ochs        Pedal Power                    MEX 1:23:26    65
   7.  690 Garret Moehring      Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 1:23:41    60
   8.  663 Ethan Elzinga        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MEX 1:24:59    55
   9. 7548 Adam Fitzcharles                                    MEX 1:28:32    50
  10. 6620 John Martin                                         MEX 1:37:18    45
Results for the Women's Expert
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 6604 Sarah Bivens         Vail Junior Cycling            WEX 1:15:57   100
   2.  679 Zosia Skiba          The Cycle Effect               WEX 1:18:39    85
   3.  678 Harley Blevins       The Cycle Effect               WEX 1:54:01    80
Results for the Men's Vet Expert 30+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7546 Richard Duff                                        MVE 1:19:41   100
   2.  708 Marshall Troutner    Mtn Pedaler/Bonfire Brewing    MVE 1:24:10    85
   3.  706 Nick Brummer                                        MVE 1:24:38    80
Results for the Women's Vet Expert 30+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  661 Jennie Thorne        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing WVE 1:23:49   100
Results for the Men's Masters Expert 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 6621 Shaun Martin                                        MME 1:14:11   100
   2.  709 Erik Dorf            Vail Summit Orthopaedics       MME 1:14:55    85
   3. 7547 Brandon Dyksterhouse Great Divide                   MME 1:15:39    80
   4. 7571 Henry Reed                                          MME 1:17:50    75
   5.  628 Kevin Roop           Sonnenalp Fitness/Roopski Trai MME 1:22:24    70
   6.  677 Brett Donelson       The Cycle Effect               MME 1:22:27    65
   7.  665 Douglas Jimenez      Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MME 1:24:52    60
   8. 6612 Matt Donovan                                        MME 1:26:24    55
   9.  719 Mike Glass           The Cycle Effect               MME 1:27:42    50
  10. 7568 Lewis Perna          Great Divide Brewing Company   MME 1:28:35    45
  11. 7545 William Desportes                                   MME 1:29:03    40
  12. 6625 Battista Psenda      Wilderness Sports              MME 1:46:59    35
Results for the Women's Masters Expert 40+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  718 Jennifer Spinelli                                   WME 1:16:26   100
   2.  671 Pavan Krueger        Pedal Power                    WME 1:20:23    85
   3. 7556 Cibelle Hernandez                                   WME 1:23:50    80
   4.  692 Heidi Trueblood                                     WME 1:24:53    75
   5.  657 Kerry White          Howard Head Sports Medicine    WME 1:35:35    70
Results for the Men's Grandmaster Expert 50+
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  673 Peter Davis          Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MGE 1:18:24   100
   2. 6619 Charles Knoll        Peak Cycles/Bikeparts.Com      MGE 1:20:14    85
   3.  633 Robert Moehring      Vail Junior Cycling            MGE 1:20:16    80
   4.  630 Mark Roebke                                         MGE 1:21:05    75
   5. 6601 Kevin Minard                                        MGE 1:25:56    70
   6.  702 Mike Trueblood                                      MGE 1:28:59    65
   7.  658 Stephen Elzinga      Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MGE 1:30:33    60
   8.  626 Charles Brown        Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MGE 1:37:46    55
   9.  634 Michael Moher                                       MGE 1:47:37    50
  10. 7564 Dan Miller Brown     Partners Environmental         MGE 1:48:02    45
Results for the Men's Pro Elite
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  698 Josiah Middaugh      Pedal Power                    MPE 1:05:42   100
   2. 6611 Robbie Day           Bear National Team             MPE 1:08:51    85
   3. 7523 Christopher Baddick                                 MPE 1:08:52    80
   4. 6626 Cristhian Ravelo                                    MPE 1:08:53    75
   5. 6627 Taylor Shelden       Tokyo Joe's                    MPE 1:08:54    70
   6.  637 Aidan Duffy          Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MPE 1:09:02    65
   7. 7565 Henry Moore          Pressery                       MPE 1:09:45    60
   8. 6617 Tyler Jones          The Kind Bikes And Skis        MPE 1:11:10    55
   9.  710 Mack Dorf            Vail Summit Orthopaedics       MPE 1:13:12    50
  10.  627 Sam Brown            Mtn Pedaler / Bon Fire Brewing MPE 1:14:09    45
  11. 6616 Jay Henry                                           MPE 1:14:41    40
  12. 7511 Chad Kittles         Bikeparts.Com                  MPE 1:22:06    35
Results for the Women's Pro Elite
East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7569 Natalie Quinn        Bjc                            WPE 1:24:02   100