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2019 Camp Hale Adult Results

Logo for "MTB Town Series" in Vail, CO, with a mountain biker illustration, sponsored by East West Hospitality.


Results for the Men's Beginner

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  487 Weston Sawtelle      Vail Health                    MBG   42:18   100
   2.  552 Matt Cairns          Pedal Power                    MBG   45:16    85
   3.  151 Hayden Krueger       Pedal Power                    MBG   45:32    80
   4.  207 Ben Suttor           Vail Junior Cycling            MBG   45:32    75
   5. 6996 Cole Flashner        Vssc                           MBG   47:37    70
   6.  507 Bobby L'heureux      East West Hospitality          MBG   48:49    65
   7. 7061 Steven Flashner                                     MBG   49:58    60
   8.  206 Wyatt Young          Vail Jr Cycling                MBG   50:27    55
   9.  546 Porter Middaugh      Pedal Power                    MBG   51:04    50
  10. 6993 Noah Davis           Glenwood Springs Dirt Demons   MBG   51:14    45
  11.  491 Josh Thies                                          MBG   51:16    40
  12. 6839 Brady Potts          Absolute Bikes                 MBG   51:37    35
  13.  624 Cooper Smith         Vail Junior Cycling            MBG   52:28    30
  14.  516 Eric Walz            East West Hospitality          MBG   54:38    25
  15.  473 Armando Medina                                      MBG   54:41    20
  16.  521 Kevin Christian      East West Hospitality          MBG   59:12    15

Results for the Women's Beginner

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  558 Samantha Lathram     Vail Junior Cycling            WBG   52:39    75
   2.  550 Michaela Main        Pedal Power                    WBG   55:10    60
   3.  561 Amy Hawf             East West Hospitality          WBG   58:13    45
   4.  488 Michele Serine                                      WBG   59:55    30

Results for the Men's Grandmaster 50+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  436 Chip Craft           Pedal Power                    MGM   43:22    85
   2.  608 Steven Elzinga                                      MGM   43:23    75
   3.  464 David Lagrange       Vail Health                    MGM   47:46    65
   4.  588 T Walters                                           MGM   48:47    55
   5. 7062 Mark Hallenback                                     MGM   51:18    45
   6.  465 Troy Lange                                          MGM   53:51    35
   7.  591 Tim Sargent                                         MGM   57:12    25

Results for the Men's Super Grandmaster 60+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 6997 Thomas Hayles        Zg7908                         MSM   42:12    75
   2.  529 Peter Dann           East West Hospitality          MSM   43:30    60
   3.  435 Philippe Courtois    Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MSM   47:17    45
   4.  434 Peter Clarke         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MSM   59:08    30

Results for the Women's Vet Sport 30+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  448 Molly Gamble         The Cycle Effect               WVS   48:34    75
   2.  492 Jennie Thorne        Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WVS   50:56    60

Results for the Women's Masters Sport 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  495 Tanya Walker         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WMS   50:34    85
   2.  499 Beverly Smith        Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WMS   51:21    75
   3.  538 Jerri Niemeyer       East West Hospitality          WMS   51:25    65
   4.  536 Nancy Mires          Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WMS   52:14    55
   5. 7067 Susi Livran                                         WMS   53:14    45
   6. 7066 Julie Levan                                         WMS   56:34    35
   7.  568 Carrie Larson        East West Hospitality          WMS   57:14    25
   8. 6842 Vida Wilson                                         WMS 1:10:18    15

Results for the Men's Vet Sport 30+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  472 Scott McCorvey       Vail Health                    MVS   40:37    85
   2. 6843 Matthew Razo                                        MVS   41:46    75
   3.  437 Paul Datsko          Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MVS   41:59    65
   4.  452 Miles Henson         Vail Health                    MVS   42:34    55
   5.  503 Ian Greene           Vail Health                    MVS   44:06    45
   6.  589 Cole Dissinger                                      MVS   44:59    35
   7.  461 Chris Knerl          Vail Health                    MVS   46:28    25

Results for the Men's Masters Sport 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  462 Adam Kowalski        Vail Health                    MMS   40:56    85
   2.  531 Kyle Walker          Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MMS   41:10    75
   3.  433 Craig Chester        Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MMS   45:02    65
   4.  493 Randy Tuggle         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MMS   47:22    55
   5.  605 Fernando Ocampo                                     MMS   48:05    45
   6.  563 Cody Wyse            East West Hospitality          MMS 1:00:01    35

Results for the Men's Sport

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  500 Ethan Elzinga        Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MSP   39:36   100
   2.  595 Nash Lucas           Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   41:33    85
   3.  573 Cole Weathers        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   41:34    80
   4.  575 Landen Stovall       Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   41:35    75
   5.  545 Sullivan Middaugh    Pedal Power                    MSP   41:53    70
   6.  176 Reiner Schmidt       Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   42:48    65
   7.  571 Garrett Moehring     Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   42:54    60
   8.  194 Stewie Bruce         Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   45:12    55
   9.  502 Dillon Harlan        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP   45:27    50
  10.  494 Michael Ulrich                                      MSP   45:34    45
  11. 6998 Carter Holzhei                                      MSP   45:54    40
  12. 7053 Caleb White                                         MSP   46:07    35
  13. 7058 Louis Fernandez                                     MSP   46:59    30
  14.  484 Ian Riebe                                           MSP   51:31    25
  15.  527 Jordan Kehoe                                        MSP   54:10    20
  16.  480 Mitchell Plath                                      MSP   54:12    15
  17.  514 Anthony Szuminski    East West Hospitality          MSP 1:15:01    10

Results for the Women's Sport

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  459 Shaneis Kehoe        Vail Health                    WSP   49:38    75
   2.  525 Tianna Bruce         Vail Junior Cycling            WSP   50:07    60
   3. 7056 Vonda Thomas         Elevated Dental                WSP 1:01:11    45
   4.  428 Shannatay Bergeron   Vail Health                    WSP 1:02:07    30

Results for the Men's Single Speed

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  549 Ciro Zarate          Pedal Power                    MSS 1:20:38    85
   2.  477 Mark Nesline         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MSS 1:23:49    75
   3.  445 James Ellis          Pedal Power                    MSS 1:26:41    65
   4.  523 Garrett Alexander    East West Hospitality          MSS 1:27:20    55
   5. 6841 Max Jordan                                          MSS 1:28:56    45
   6.  482 Jeffrey Rank         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MSS 1:30:02    35
   7.  539 Mark Nelson          Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MSS 1:33:28    25
   8. 7069 Battista Psenda      Wilderness Sports              MSS 1:34:10    15
   9.  530 Marty Golembiewski   Pedal Power                    MSS 1:40:58    5

Results for the Women's Single Speed

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  478 Sarah Parrish        Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WSS   51:18    75
   2.  584 Erinn Hoban          Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WSS   53:16    60
   3.  602 Pamcakes Davis       Twin Six                       WSS   53:26    45
   4.  559 Amy Owens            No Shift Squad                 WSS   55:30    30

Results for the Men's Clydesdale

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  451 David Hawkins        Vail Health                    CLY   49:18    75
   2.  427 Jason Bent           Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  CLY   54:42    60
   3.  613 Jason Lahrman        Colorado Bike Service          CLY   59:06    45

Results for the Men's Expert

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  570 Aidan Duffy          Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 1:14:27    85
   2.  553 Brandon Hansen       Pedal Power                    MEX 1:18:22    75
   3. 7063 Michael Hand         Moontime Cyclery               MEX 1:19:10    65
   4.  541 Alex Schultz         The Kind Bikes And Skis        MEX 1:19:47    55
   5.  544 Marshall Troutner    Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MEX 1:24:02    45
   6.  513 Geofrey Ochs         Pedal Power                    MEX 1:26:14    35
   7.  587 Miles Gentry         Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 1:34:12    25

Results for the Women's Expert

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  606 Bayli McSpadden      Pedal Power                    WEX   44:01    75
   2.  504 Heidi Livran         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WEX   45:23    60
   3. 7000 Megan Osteen                                        WEX   46:53    45
   4.  431 Cait Boyd            Pedal Power                    WEX   47:34    30
   5.  533 Isabella Sargent     Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WEX   49:04    15

Results for the Men's Vet Expert 30+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  532 Mike Sherven         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MVE 1:18:32    75
   2.  460 Drew Knerl           Vail Health                    MVE 1:22:41    60
   3.  446 Dan Findley          Pedal Power                    MVE 1:23:44    45
   4.  457 Douglas Jimenez      Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MVE 1:23:55    30
   5.  489 Ryan Simmons         Vail Health                    MVE 1:33:55    15

Results for the Men's Masters Expert 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  556 Adam Collins         Pedal Power                    MME 1:16:42    85
   2.  520 Adam Plummer         Pedal Power                    MME 1:19:57    75
   3.  607 Mike Glass           The Cycle Effect               MME 1:20:24    65
   4.  479 Lewis Perna          Vail Health                    MME 1:20:30    55
   5.  622 Matt Donovan                                        MME 1:22:50    45
   6.  517 Mike Trueblood       East West Hospitality          MME 1:24:31    35
   7. 6999 Brooks Leedahl       The Cheese Shop Of Breckenridg MME 1:26:55    25
   8.  442 Brett Donelson       The Cycle Effect               MME 1:32:27    15
   9.  426 Brian Baker          Pedal Power                    MME 1:37:21    5

Results for the Women's Masters Expert 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  526 Jennifer Spinelli    Pedal Power                    WME   44:02    85
   2.  506 Jennifer Razee       East West Hospitality          WME   45:23    75
   3.  463 Pavan Krueger        Pedal Power                    WME   46:16    65
   4.  468 Katie MacFarlane     Pedal Power                    WME   46:36    45
   5.  508 Heidi Trueblood      East West Hospitality          WME   47:31    35
   6.  432 Beth Bush            Vail Health                    WME   48:57    25

Results for the Men's Grandmaster Expert 50+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  438 Peter Davis          Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MGE 1:17:05    85
   2.  554 Stephen White        Pedal Power                    MGE 1:18:29    75
   3.  528 Robert Moehring      Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MGE 1:19:12    65
   4.  597 Ron Gruber           Pedal Power                    MGE 1:22:50    55
   5.  467 Bill MacFarlane      Pedal Power                    MGE 1:22:56    45
   6.  498 Jim Smith            Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MGE 1:24:14    35
   7.  593 Chadd Ziegler                                       MGE 1:26:00    25
   8.  542 Charlie Brown        Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MGE 1:32:58    15
   9. 7057 Dawes Wilson         Pedal Power                    MGE 1:37:29    5
  10. 7052 Mike Stepanek        Icebreaker                     MGE 1:37:36    5

Results for the Men's Pro Elite

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1. 7054 Taylor Shelden       Tokyo Joe's                    MPE 1:09:54    85
   2.  501 Cristhian Ravelo     Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler/Tokyo J MPE 1:10:36    75
   3.  543 Sam Brown            Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  MPE 1:14:18    65
   4.  483 Alister Ratcliff     Vail Health                    MPE 1:17:01    55
   5.  510 Liam Clevenger       Vail Junior Cycling            MPE 1:20:30    45
   6.  562 David Sanders-KuleszaVail Junior Cycling            MPE 1:23:27    35

Results for the Women's Pro Elite

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat    Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
   1.  534 Marlee Dixon         Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WPE 1:23:41    85
   2.  443 Tamara Donelson      The Cycle Effect               WPE 1:27:29    75
   3.  454 Rebecca Howland      Pedal Power                    WPE 1:28:29    65
   4.  604 Janel Klug           East West Hospitality          WPE 1:28:56    55
   5.  490 Brittany Spangler    Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  WPE 1:31:42    45
   6.  547 Gaja Wilson          The Kind Bikes And Skis        WPE 1:39:32    35