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2018 Davos Dash Adult Results

Logo for "MTB Town Series" in Vail, CO, with a mountain biker illustration, sponsored by East West Hospitality.

Results for the Men's Beginner

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.   99 Sullivan Middaugh    Pedal Power                    MBG 21:41    85
   2.  103 Ian MacFarlane       Vail Junior Cycling            MBG 23:22    75
   3. 6098 Toby Scarpella                                      MBG 24:03    65
   4. 6092 Dimitri Grewal       Sscv                           MBG 24:41    55
   5.  111 Garret Moehring      Vail Junior Cycling            MBG 25:22    45
   6.  116 Mack Dorf            Assos                          MBG 26:26    35
   7.  294 Ethan Elzinga        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MBG 26:29    25
   8.  113 Logan Hill           Vail Junior Cycling            MBG 27:57    15
   9.  288 Spencer Tuggle       Dusty Boot                     MBG 29:05    5
  10. 6102 Vlad Shambarger      Sscv Junior Cycling            MBG 29:14    5
  11.  353 Fernando Ocamp                                      MBG 29:35    5
  12.  315 Eric Walz            East West                      MBG 29:45    5
  13.  216 Ivo Ivanov           Vail Health                    MBG 32:19    5
  14.  327 Armando Medina                                      MBG 32:23    5

Results for the Women's Beginner

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 6096 Amy Reynolds                                        WBG 26:47    85
   2.  341 Tianna Bruce         Vail Jr Cycling                WBG 28:15    75
   3.   68 Zosia Skiba          The Cycle Effect               WBG 28:55    65
   4.   77 Harley Blevins       Cycle Effect                   WBG 29:00    55
   5.   58 Izzy Glackin         Vail Junior Cycling            WBG 30:16    45
   6. 6080 Elsa Perkins                                        WBG 31:05    35
   7. 6107 Rebecca Aliber                                      WBG 31:22    25
   8.  276 Nancy Mires          Dusty Boot                     WBG 32:00    15
   9.  339 Megan Dean                                          WBG 32:31    5
  10. 6123 Kelly Goheen                                        WBG 32:55    5
  11.  244 Kelly Casber         The Cycle Effect               WBG 35:10    5
  12.  266 Jill Rubinstein      The Cycle Effect               WBG 37:02    5
  13.  225 Ashley Mendoza       The Cycle Effect               WBG 37:40    5
  14.  217 Emily Jimenez        The Cycle Effect               WBG 40:49    5

Results for the Men's Grandmaster 50+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  235 Chip Craft           Pedal Power                    MGM 24:48    75
   2. 6122 Dan Nielsen                                         MGM 25:15    60
   3.  331 John Shipp           Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MGM 26:25    45
   4. 6120 Craig Roberts                                       MGM 26:45    30

Results for the Men's Super Grandmaster 60+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 6085 Paul Gotthelf        Ulf Built                      MSM 27:08    75
   2. 6083 Todd Beckum                                         MSM 29:56    60
   3. 6078 Jack McBride                                        MSM 31:02    45
   4.  280 Peter Clarke         Dusty Boot                     MSM 34:48    30

Results for the Women's Vet Sport 30+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 6082 Jessica Bechard      Sacred Cycle                   WVS 28:59    75
   2.  227 Shauna Nelson        Vail Health/Howard Head        WVS 29:32    60

Results for the Women's Masters Sport 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  254 Tanya Walker         Dusty Boot                     WMS 27:25    85
   2.  272 Michelle Wolffe      Vvmba                          WMS 27:47    75
   3. 6100 Michelle Schamberger                                WMS 28:38    65
   4. 6094 Susi Livran                                         WMS 32:14    55
   5.  308 Carrie Larson        East West                      WMS 32:38    45
   6. 6093 Julie Levan                                         WMS 32:55    35
   7. 6110 Louise Adielson-Guich                               WMS 36:41    25

Results for the Men's Vet Sport 30+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  202 Mark Brownson        Vail Health                    MVS 24:11    75
   2.  224 Scott McCorvey       Vail Health                    MVS 24:57    60
   3.  220 Chris Knerl          Vail Health                    MVS 25:48    45
   4.  306 Matthew Razo         East West                      MVS 26:56    30
   5.  241 Jake Anderson        Dusty Boot                     MVS 28:53    15

Results for the Men's Masters Sport 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 6090 Tom Corrigan                                        MMS 23:48    85
   2.  239 Douglas Jimenez      Dusty Boot                     MMS 23:54    75
   3.  287 Randy Tuggle         Dusty Boot                     MMS 25:02    65
   4.  215 Innes Isom           Pedal Power                    MMS 25:21    55
   5. 6111 Alexandre Adielson-Gu                               MMS 25:39    45
   6.  270 Craig Chester        Dusty Boot/Mountain Pedaler    MMS 26:14    35
   7.  301 David Ozog           East West                      MMS 27:29    25
   8. 6086 John McCormack                                      MMS 29:56    15
   9. 6077 Matt Marshall                                       MMS 32:40    5
  10.  335 Cody Wyse            East West                      MMS 36:07    5

Results for the Men's Sport

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  336 Cole Weathers        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP 21:24    85
   2. 6115 Nico Konecny                                        MSP 22:22    75
   3.  110 Ian Rogers           Vail Junior Cycling            MSP 22:35    65
   4.  237 Miles Henson         Vail Health                    MSP 23:13    55
   5.  292 Erik Novy            Dusty Boot                     MSP 23:29    45
   6.  262 Paul Datsko          808 Distillery                 MSP 23:35    35
   7.  333 John Martin          Assos                          MSP 24:10    25
   8.  210 Ian Greene           Vail Health                    MSP 24:23    15
   9.  261 Ryan Simmons         Vail Health                    MSP 24:37    5
  10.  209 Chris Gleeson        Vail Health/Howard Head        MSP 26:00    5
  11. 6087 Ian Riebe                                           MSP 27:00    5
  12.  291 Dillon Harlan        Vail Junior Cycling            MSP 27:11    5
  13.  344 Matt Koch            Pedal Power                    MSP 27:40    5

Results for the Women's Sport

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  120 Bayli McSpadden      Pedal Power                    WSP 25:05    85
   2. 6101 Nina Schamberger     Pedal Power                    WSP 25:15    75
   3.  274 Izzy Sargent         Dusty Boot                     WSP 26:06    65
   4.  250 Meghan Twohig        The Cycle Effect               WSP 26:54    55
   5.  255 Brittany Spangler    Dusty Boot                     WSP 28:04    45
   6.  337 Rosa Foth                                           WSP 28:05    35
   7.  236 Molly Gamble         The Cycle Effect               WSP 28:27    25

Results for the Men's Single Speed

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 6124 Scott Pippen         Da Bulls                       MSS 19:51    85
   2. 6104 Humberto Villanueva                                 MSS 21:31    75
   3.  240 Mark Nesline         Dusty Boot                     MSS 22:04    65
   4.  207 James Ellis          Pedal Power                    MSS 22:48    55
   5.  279 Marty Golembiewski   Pedal Power                    MSS 23:18    45
   6.  295 Mark Nelson          Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MSS 24:47    35
   7.  271 Jeffrey Rank         Dusty Boot                     MSS 26:30    25
   8.  322 Battista Psenda      Wilderness Sports              MSS 26:43    15

Results for the Women's Single Speed

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  338 Tara Picklo          Noshiftsquad                   WSS 24:59    75
   2.  325 Pamcakes Davis       Yellowbelly                    WSS 28:34    60
   3.  320 Laura Seelig                                        WSS 29:44    45
   4.  283 Amy Owens                                           WSS 32:38    30
   5. 6079 Jessica Droze        No Shift Squad                 WSS 35:54    15

Results for the Men's Clydesdale

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  226 Robert Moehring      Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler  CLY 23:44    75
   2. 6113 Brad Harden                                         CLY 25:16    60

Results for the Men's Expert

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  251 Alister Ratcliff     Vail Health/Howard Head        MEX 19:16   100
   2.  313 Brandon Hanson       Pedal Power                    MEX 19:54    85
   3.  311 Kris Ochs            Vail Health                    MEX 19:56    80
   4.  285 David Sanders-KuleszaVail Junior Cycling            MEX 20:01    75
   5.  232 Grant Gipson         Pedal Power                    MEX 20:03    70
   6. 6105 Brad Zoller                                         MEX 20:08    65
   7.  118 Aidan Duffy          Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 20:14    60
   8.  269 Marshall Troutner    Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MEX 20:33    55
   9. 6114 Lasse Konecny        Summit-Pivot                   MEX 20:45    50
  10.  247 Peter Davis          Dusty Boot/ Mtn Pedaler        MEX 20:54    45
  11.  277 Geofrey Ochs         Pedal Power                    MEX 21:31    40
  12.  332 Michael Hand                                        MEX 22:04    35
  13.  300 Wyatt Moehring       Pedal Power                    MEX 22:27    30
  14.  318 Alex Schultz         Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MEX 22:49    25
  15.  304 Miles Gentry         Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 23:09    20

Results for the Women's Expert

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  223 Nicole Martin        Pedal Power                    WEX 25:01    75
   2.  296 Heidi Livran         Assos                          WEX 25:17    60
   3.  342 Janel Klug           East West                      WEX 25:36    45
   4. 6103 Amelia Van Dyke                                     WEX 26:56    30

Results for the Men's Vet Expert 30+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  264 Shaun Martin         Pedal Power                    MVE 20:05    75
   2.  307 Drew Knerl           Vail Health                    MVE 21:09    60
   3.  208 Dan Findley          Pedal Power                    MVE 21:15    45
   4.  299 Michael Dorr         East West                      MVE 21:33    30

Results for the Women's Vet Expert 30+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====

Results for the Men's Masters Expert 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  326 Adam Collins         Pedal Power                    MME 19:56    85
   2.  316 Erik Dorf            Assos                          MME 20:26    75
   3.  228 Lew Perna            Vail Health                    MME 21:02    65
   4.  200 Brian Baker          Pedal Power                    MME 21:31    55
   5. 6089 Cj Castle                                           MME 22:20    45
   6.  340 Mike Glass           Assos                          MME 22:41    35
   7. 6106 Will Desportes                                      MME 22:46    25
   8. 6099 Lance Schamberger                                   MME 23:14    15
   9.  256 Kyle Walker          Dusty Boot/ Mtn Pedaler        MME 23:19    5
  10.  298 Mike Trueblood       East West                      MME 23:40    5
  11. 6116 Dan Weiland          Vail Jr Cycling                MME 23:59    5

Results for the Women's Masters Expert 40+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  268 Jennifer Spinelli    Pedal Power                    WME 23:47    75
   2.  302 Jennifer Razee       East West                      WME 25:32    60
   3.  212 Roxanne Hall         Pedal Power                    WME 26:38    45
   4.  343 Heidi Trueblood      East West                      WME 27:12    30
   5.  245 Beverly Smith        Dusty Boot                     WME 29:00    15

Results for the Men's Grandmaster Expert 50+

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  211 Ron Gruber           Pedal Power                    MGE 20:55    85
   2.  213 Ty Hall              Pedal Power                    MGE 21:56    75
   3.  317 Mark Roebke                                         MGE 22:23    65
   4.  267 Bill MacFarlane      Pedal Power                    MGE 23:33    55
   5.  324 Charlie Brown        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MGE 24:17    45
   6.  246 Jim Smith            Dusty Boot                     MGE 24:46    35
   7. 6119 Roger Mitchell                                      MGE 32:19    25

Results for the Men's Pro Elite

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  281 Josiah Middaugh      Pedal Power                    MPE 16:54    75
   2.  323 Sam Brown            Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MPE 19:09    60
   3.  218 Tyler Jones          Thekindbikeandski|Privateer    MPE 19:35    45
   4. 6125 Jason Kiefer         Cycle Effect                   MPE 20:37    30

Results for the Women's Pro Elite

East - West
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  243 Marlee Dixon         Dusty Boot                     WPE 22:49    75
   2.  238 Casey Richter        Pedal Power                    WPE 24:57    60
   3. 6121 Gaja Wilson          Vail Jr Cycling                WPE 29:39    45