2018 Berry Creek Bash Adult Results

Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 294 Ethan Elzinga Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler MBG 25:17 85 2. 111 Garret Moehring Vail Junior Cycling MBG 25:30 75 3. 6177 Christian Landeros Trexicorn MBG 25:32 65 4. 288 Spencer Tuggle Dusty Boot MBG 26:51 55 5. 6187 Mylo Ornowski Vail Jr Cycling MBG 28:28 45 6. 113 Logan Hill Vail Junior Cycling MBG 30:22 35 7. 6179 Aiden Senn Glenwood Dirt Demons MBG 30:34 25 8. 309 Finn Larson East West MBG 35:54 15 9. 6282 Matthew Stovall MBG 45:40 5
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 341 Tianna Bruce Vail Junior Cycling WBG 29:10 85 2. 114 Avery Forstl Vail Junior Cycling WBG 29:29 75 3. 276 Nancy Mires Dusty Boot WBG 30:43 65 4. 77 Harley Blevins The Cycle Effect WBG 31:03 55 5. 68 Zosia Skiba The Cycle Effect WBG 31:26 45 6. 121 Miranda Fernandez Cycle Effect WBG 37:16 35 7. 92 Anamaria Montes The Cycle Effect WBG 37:24 25 8. 6294 Jill Patrick WBG 38:07 15 9. 206 Dariana Elizalde The Cycle Effect WBG 38:44 5 10. 6186 Abigail Elizalde WBG 38:46 5 11. 266 Jill Rubinstein The Cycle Effect WBG 39:27 5 12. 334 Jessica Foulis East West WBG 43:57 5
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 235 Chip Craft Pedal Power MGM 53:44 75 2. 222 David Lagrange Vail Health MGM 57:09 60 3. 312 David Duchesneau Pedal Power MGM 57:13 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 6248 Paul Gothelf MSM 58:07 75 2. 6281 Jack McBride MSM 1:03:49 60 3. 280 Peter Clarke Dusty Boot MSM 1:05:43 45 4. 233 Bruce Kelly Pedal Power MSM 1:07:27 30
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 227 Shauna Nelson Vail Health/Howard Head WVS 58:43 75 2. 6286 Jennie Thorne Dusty Boot Mountain Pedaler WVS 1:00:08 60 3. 6290 Jessica Bechard Sacred Cycle WVS 1:00:57 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= === 1. 254 Tanya Walker Dusty Boot WMS 1:01:10 75 2. 272 Michelle Wolffe Vvmba WMS 1:02:23 60 3. 308 Carrie Larson East West WMS 1:11:50 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 262 Paul Datsko 808 Distillery MVS 49:38 75 2. 306 Matthew Razo East West MVS 51:24 60 3. 6178 Gilberto Landeros Trexicorn MVS 1:04:09 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 239 Douglas Jimenez Dusty Boot MMS 48:57 85 2. 6295 John Patrick MMS 49:15 75 3. 6185 Sandor Benis MMS 50:25 65 4. 287 Randy Tuggle Dusty Boot MMS 50:55 55 5. 6293 Peter Kan MMS 53:40 45 6. 215 Innes Isom Pedal Power MMS 54:40 35 7. 6292 Jonny Bergsten MMS 55:03 25 8. 221 Adam Kowalski Vail Health MMS 56:22 15 9. 270 Craig Chester Dusty Boot/Mountain Pedaler MMS 56:29 5 10. 301 David Ozog East West MMS 56:31 5 11. 6289 Matt Marshall MMS 1:06:15 5
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 99 Sullivan Middaugh Pedal Power MSP 44:29 85 2. 336 Cole Weathers Vail Junior Cycling MSP 45:08 75 3. 110 Ian Rogers Vail Junior Cycling MSP 47:02 65 4. 292 Erik Novy Dusty Boot MSP 48:21 55 5. 351 Nash Lucas Vail Junior Cycling MSP 48:55 45 6. 333 John Martin Assos MSP 50:39 35 7. 103 Ian MacFarlane Vail Junior Cycling MSP 50:44 25 8. 289 Halsey Lucas Dusty Boot MSP 52:33 15 9. 261 Ryan Simmons Vail Health MSP 54:11 5 10. 291 Dillon Harlan Vail Junior Cycling MSP 56:33 5 11. 6296 Oliver Patrick MSP 1:01:34 5 12. 329 Ben Kleimer MSP 1:14:22 5
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 255 Brittany Spangler Dusty Boot WSP 51:44 75 2. 274 Izzy Sargent Dusty Boot WSP 52:03 60 3. 120 Bayli McSpadden Pedal Power WSP 58:01 45 4. 337 Rosa Foth WSP 59:46 30 5. 236 Molly Gamble The Cycle Effect WSP 1:03:37 15
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 234 Ciro Zarate Pedal Power MSS 1:08:07 85 2. 6291 Humberto Villanueva MSS 1:08:45 75 3. 6180 Richard Knapp MSS 1:11:47 65 4. 240 Mark Nesline Dusty Boot MSS 1:11:53 55 5. 279 Marty Golembiewski Pedal Power MSS 1:13:05 45 6. 271 Jeffrey Rank Dusty Boot MSS 1:15:07 35 7. 295 Mark Nelson Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler MSS 1:21:05 25 8. 322 Battista Psenda Wilderness Sports MSS 1:21:29 15
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 6183 Lauen Barcza No Shift Squad WSS 1:14:15 75 2. 283 Amy Owens WSS 1:20:34 60
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 226 Robert Moehring Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler CLY 49:40 75 2. 286 Jason Bent Dusty Boot CLY 56:04 60 3. 214 David Hawkins Vail Health CLY 1:03:49 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 251 Alister Ratcliff Vail Health/Howard Head MEX 1:02:50 85 2. 311 Kris Ochs Vail Health MEX 1:03:47 75 3. 293 Liam Clevenger Vail Junior Cycling MEX 1:04:58 65 4. 118 Aidan Duffy Vail Junior Cycling MEX 1:05:31 55 5. 285 David Sanders-KuleszaVail Junior Cycling MEX 1:05:44 45 6. 313 Brandon Hanson Pedal Power MEX 1:09:41 35 7. 6184 Brad Zoller MEX 1:10:23 25 8. 269 Marshall Troutner Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler MEX 1:10:50 15 9. 304 Miles Gentry Vail Junior Cycling MEX 1:13:31 5 10. 318 Alex Schultz Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler MEX 1:14:09 5 11. 277 Geofrey Ochs Pedal Power MEX 1:15:06 5 12. 231 Kyle Wilcox Vail Health MEX 1:18:12 5
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 349 Gaja Wilson Vail Junior Cycling WEX 1:13:37 75 2. 223 Nicole Martin Pedal Power WEX 1:18:25 60
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 299 Michael Dorr East West MVE 1:08:56 75 2. 273 Mike Sherven Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler MVE 1:09:34 60 3. 6174 Sam Bennett Assos MVE 1:11:46 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 316 Erik Dorf Assos MME 1:06:31 85 2. 326 Adam Collins Pedal Power MME 1:07:00 75 3. 247 Peter Davis Dusty Boot/ Mtn Pedaler MME 1:07:53 65 4. 282 Adam Plummer Pedal Power MME 1:08:53 55 5. 200 Brian Baker Pedal Power MME 1:11:58 45 6. 298 Mike Trueblood East West MME 1:15:27 35 7. 340 Mike Glass Assos MME 1:17:19 25 8. 345 Matt Donovan Vail Honeywagon MME 1:19:42 15 9. 256 Kyle Walker Dusty Boot/ Mtn Pedaler MME 1:19:58 5
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 263 Pavan Krueger Pedal Power WME 1:09:05 85 2. 284 Terry Stimac Dusty Boot WME 1:09:39 75 3. 343 Heidi Trueblood East West WME 1:10:57 65 4. 212 Roxanne Hall Pedal Power WME 1:12:04 55 5. 245 Beverly Smith Dusty Boot WME 1:14:03 45 6. 203 Beth Bush Vail Health WME 1:14:46 35
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 6298 Stephen White MGE 1:08:06 85 2. 213 Ty Hall Pedal Power MGE 1:09:13 75 3. 317 Mark Roebke MGE 1:10:50 65 4. 211 Ron Gruber Pedal Power MGE 1:13:09 55 5. 246 Jim Smith Dusty Boot MGE 1:14:18 45 6. 324 Charlie Brown Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler MGE 1:21:12 35
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 6182 Jake Wells Tokyo Joes MPE 1:02:09 75 2. 321 Jay Henry Tokyo Joe's MPE 1:02:10 60 3. 323 Sam Brown Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler MPE 1:06:09 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 243 Marlee Dixon Dusty Boot WPE 1:12:10 75 2. 265 Rebecca Howland Pedal Power WPE 1:16:56 60
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