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2017 Davos Dash Adult Results

A logo for a mountain bike (MTB) town series event, with sponsors listed.
Results for the Men's Beginner
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  975 Miles Henson         Howard Head                    MBG 22:26    85
   2.  808 Cole Weathers        Vail Junior Cycling            MBG 22:47    75
   3.   18 Ian McFarlane        Vail Junior Cycling            MBG 25:45    65
   4.  875 Ethan Davis          808                            MBG 26:44    55
   5.  701 Chris Pitman                                        MBG 26:58    45
   6.  852 Fernando Ocampo                                     MBG 27:08    35
   7.  800 Matt Koch            Pedal Power                    MBG 27:15    25
   8.  806 Ivo Ivanov           Howard Head                    MBG 27:47    15
   9. 5277 Claes Holm                                          MBG 29:49    5
  10. 5278 Ken Legeai                                          MBG 31:53    5
Results for the Women's Beginner
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 0069 Stella Sanders       Cycle Effect                   WBG 29:18    85
   2.  964 Carolina Benney      Pedal Power                    WBG 29:34    75
   3.  786 Nancy Mires          East West                      WBG 30:01    65
   4.  885 Mitchek Colley                                      WBG 30:26    55
   5.   77 Ashley Mendoza       Cycle Effect                   WBG 34:40    45
   6. 0076 Carolina Loya        The Cycle Effect               WBG 34:45    35
   7.   83 Dariana Elizalde     The Cycle Effect               WBG 38:05    25
   8.  854 Vida Wilson                                         WBG 38:10    15
   9.   21 Valeria Hernandez    The Cycle Effect               WBG 49:40    5
Results for the Men's Sport 18 & U
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  833 Liam Clevenger       Vail Junior Cycling            MJS 19:24    85
   2.   11 Eli Smith            Vail Junior Cycling            MJS 19:31    75
   3.  874 Cameron Wolfe        Vail Junior Cycling            MJS 20:27    65
   4.  836 Aidan Duffy          Vail Junior Cycling            MJS 20:53    55
   5.  825 Andrew Rogers        Vail Junior Cycling            MJS 22:00    45
   6.  742 Austin Burt          Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MJS 22:55    35
   7.  883 Halsey Lucas         Eagle County Bmx               MJS 23:30    25
   8.  961 Maxwell Timm         Assos/Venture                  MJS 23:51    15
   9. 5158 Eli Page             Glenwood Dirt Demons           MJS 32:28    5
Results for the Men's Sport
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  741 Geofrey Ochs         Pedal Power                    MSP 21:42    75
   2.  739 Chris Gleeson        Howard Head                    MSP 23:07    60
   3.  785 Paul Datsko          East West                      MSP 23:16    45
   4.  738 Yann Benjamin        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MSP 24:38    30
   5. 5287 Charles Anstadt      Tennessee Pass                 MSP 26:12    15
Results for the Women's Sport
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  703 Kerry Brown          Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WSP 26:51    75
   2.  771 Shauna Nelson        Howard Head                    WSP 27:32    60
   3. 5280 Megan Osteen         The Cycle Effect               WSP 27:42    45
   4. 5276 Rosa Foth                                           WSP 30:52    30
Results for the Men's Vet Sport
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 5285 Dean Stockdale                                      MVS 23:39    85
   2.  750 Todd Foral           Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MVS 23:50    75
   3.  752 Adam Kowalski        Howard Head                    MVS 23:54    65
   4.  749 Mike Eastabrooks     Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MVS 24:20    55
   5.  783 Peter Kan                                           MVS 24:30    45
   6.  754 Cody Wyse            East West                      MVS 33:13    35
Results for the Women's Vet Sport
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  782 Katie Jones          Howard Head                    WVS 25:17    75
   2.  781 Tanya Walker                                        WVS 27:34    60
   3. 5275 Jessica Bechard      Sacred Cycle                   WVS 31:40    45
Results for the Men's Masters Sport
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  751 Innes Isom           Pedal Power                    MMS 23:40    85
   2.  792 Chip Craft           Pedal Power                    MMS 23:47    75
   3.  730 Randy Tuggle         Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MMS 24:21    65
   4.  720 David Lagrange       Howard Head                    MMS 25:15    55
   5.  728 Pedro Campos         Howard Head                    MMS 26:09    45
   6.  812 Alan Christie        East West                      MMS 26:13    35
   7.  953 David Ozog           East West                      MMS 26:15    25
   8.  856 Alex Mintling                                       MMS 27:47    15
   9.  959 Ben Kleimer                                         MMS 29:13    5
Results for the Women's Masters Sport
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  802 Sharon O'Grady       Pedal Power                    WMS 26:53    75
   2.  796 Jerri Niemeyer       East West                      WMS 27:52    60
   3.  841 Carrie Larson        East West                      WMS 29:14    45
   4. 5279 Susi Livran                                         WMS 32:22    30
   5.  763 Susan Weiss          Howard Head                    WMS 33:42    15
Results for the Men's Grandmasters
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  789 Ron Gruber           Pedal Power                    MGM 21:25    85
   2.  861 Steven Kirchner      Pedal Power                    MGM 22:30    75
   3.  810 Charles Brown        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MGM 22:32    65
   4.  721 Bill MacFarlane      Pedal Power                    MGM 22:51    55
   5.  735 Mark Nelson          Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MGM 23:44    45
   6.  722 Jim Smith            Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MGM 24:23    35
   7.  719 Jeffrey Apps         Pedal Power                    MGM 28:24    25
   8.  884 Bruce Kelly          Pedal Power                    MGM 29:56    15
Results for the Men's Super Grandmasters
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 5268 Michael Smith        Ktm Mountain Bike              MNE 20:39    75
Results for the Men's Single Speed
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  801 Ciro Zarate          Pedal Power                    MSS 19:22    75
   2.  815 James Ellis          Pedal Power                    MSS 20:42    60
   3.  734 Richard Knapp        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MSS 20:51    45
   4. 5286 Battista Psenda      Wilderness Sports              MSS 25:54    30
   5.  736 Jeffrey Rank         Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MSS 26:49    15
Results for the Men's Clydesdale
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  711 Robert Moehring      Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         CLY 24:22    75
   2.  708 Jason Bent           Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         CLY 24:43    60
   3.  820 David Hawkins        Howard Head                    CLY 31:12    45
Results for the Men's Expert
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  714 Grant Gipson         Pedal Power                    MEX 19:04    85
   2.  956 Calvin Trudea        Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 19:05    75
   3. 5157 Adam Collins         Yeti's Grind                   MEX 19:16    65
   4.  713 Dan Findley          Pedal Power                    MEX 19:24    55
   5.  845 Jeff Cheever         Avout Racing                   MEX 19:32    45
   6.  715 Wyatt Moehring       Pedal Power                    MEX 19:39    35
   7.  819 Michael Hand         Assos/Venture                  MEX 20:11    25
   8. 5284 Chris Seabury        Vail Junior Cycling            MEX 20:18    15
   9.  717 Marshall Troutner    Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MEX 20:30    5
  10.  798 Brandon Hanson       Pedal Power                    MEX 21:10    5
  11.  799 Charles Koch         Pedal Power                    MEX 21:22    5
  12.  838 Miles Gentry         Assos/Venture                  MEX 21:49    5
  13.  716 Michael Sherven      Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MEX 21:57    5
Results for the Women's Expert
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  824 Casey Richter        Assos/Venture                  WEX 22:52    85
   2.  756 Nicole Martin        Pedal Power                    WEX 23:40    75
   3.  809 Natalie Biedermann   Assos/Venture                  WEX 24:27    65
   4.  855 Sarah Smith          Vail Junior Cycling            WEX 24:44    55
   5.  755 Janel Klug           Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WEX 24:58    45
   6.  849 Heidi Livran         Assos/Venture                  WEX 25:18    35
   7.  827 Amelia Vonesh        Pedal Power                    WEX 25:34    25
   8.  958 Gaja Wilson          Vail Junior Cycling            WEX 25:46    15
   9.  778 Sydney Sappenfield   Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WEX 26:09    5
  10.  757 Jennie Thorne        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WEX 26:53    5
Results for the Men's Vet Expert
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  814 Brandon Dysterhouse  Assos/Venture                  MVE 19:51    85
   2.  832 Samuel Bennett       Assos/Venture                  MVE 20:11    75
   3.  743 Peter Davis          Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MVE 20:25    65
   4. 5289 Shawn Martin         Yetis Grind                    MVE 20:50    55
   5.  747 Lew Perna            Howard Head                    MVE 21:00    45
   6.  745 Peter Fralick        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MVE 21:13    35
   7.  835 Michael Dorr         East West                      MVE 21:17    25
   8.  831 Jacob Bangtson       Assos/Venture                  MVE 21:52    15
   9.  746 Marty Golembiewski   Pedal Power                    MVE 24:09    5
Results for the Women's Vet Expert
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  779 Rebecca Howland      Howard Head                    WVE 23:22    75
   2.  780 Jennifer Razee       East West                      WVE 23:49    60
   3.  795 Ashleigh Krehbiel    Howard Head                    WVE 27:11    45
Results for the Men's Masters Expert
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  954 Adam Plummer         Pedal Power                    MME 20:44    85
   2.  791 Tyson Hall           Pedal Power                    MME 21:14    75
   3.  727 Jason Russell        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MME 21:58    65
   4.  787 Mike Trueblood       East West                      MME 22:10    55
   5.  725 John Lettice         Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MME 22:33    45
   6.  788 Jay Sapp             Goat Training                  MME 22:45    35
   7.  724 Mike Gibbs           Pedal Power                    MME 22:57    25
   8.  830 Dawes Wilson         Pedal Power                    MME 27:26    15
Results for the Women's Masters Expert
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1. 5288 Jennifer Spinelli    Yeti's Grind                   WME 23:18    85
   2.  761 Bev Smith            Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WME 25:42    75
   3.  759 Pavan Krueger        Pedal Power                    WME 25:44    65
   4.  760 Heather Sappenfield  Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WME 26:05    55
   5.  790 Roxanne Hall         Pedal Power                    WME 26:20    45
   6.  860 Heidi Trueblood      East West                      WME 27:20    35
   7.  758 Beth Bush            Howard Head                    WME 28:21    25
Results for the Men's Pro Elite
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  847 Jay Henry            Pedal Power                    MPE 17:15    75
   2.  733 Cristhian Ravelo     Howard Head - Tokyo Joe's      MPE 18:01    60
   3. 5281 Weston Rasmussen     Czracing                       MPE 19:43    45
   4.  732 Jeff Kerkove         Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         MPE 20:51    15
Results for the Women's Pro Elite
Place  Bib Name                 Team                           Cat  Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ===== =====
   1.  768 Gretchen Reeves      Pedal Power                    WPE 21:20    75
   2.  764 Marlee Dixon         Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WPE 22:15    60
   3.  766 Lisa Isom            Pedal Power                    WPE 22:25    45
   4.  767 Karen Jarchow        Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler         WPE 24:22    30